Create new Coupon

Click on the Create New Coupon menu under the Coupons tab.

Select Gift or Discount as the Coupon Type.

In the Coupon Title section, enter a text that identifies your coupon.

Note:Only you can see the coupon title so enter a title meaningful for you.

Coupon description will be seen by your customers. Write a message for your customers.

Example: Congratulations! You won 20% discount.

You can enter the date range to Valid Between fields, for which your coupon is valid. Leave blank if you do not want to restrict.

In the Number of Coupons field, enter the number of coupons you want to create. Leave blank for unlimited coupons. A single coupon code is generated in unlimited coupon identifications. Be sure to specify the number of coupons for limited discount and gift coupons.

Once you have entered the coupon information, click Create Coupons.