Form Components

The features of the form components in the left column of the form editing screen are listed in the following table.

Component Name Description
Header You can add a title to your form using this component. i.e. Customer Satisfaction Survey
Short Text Enrty Adds a short text entry to your form with a title. You can change the maximum character limit for this field from the component properties, or you can make this field a required field. You can also enter help text for this field from the same section.
Long Text Entry This component adds an input field for long texts in your form. You can change the maximum character limit for this field from the component properties, or you can make this field a required field. You can also enter help text for this field from the same section.
Dropdown This component adds a dropdown list to your form with a title field . You can easily add options for the list by adding in the Options Box in the component properties. You can make this field required or you can set the default selected option.
Multiple Choice With this component, you can add multiple selections to your form with the title field. You can easily add options by typing options per line in the component properties, you can align selections horizontally or vertically. You can also make this field required.
Single Choice Adds a single selection field to the form with title. You can use this component when you want your customers to select a single option. You can easily add options in the component properties by typing each option per line, aligning the selections horizontally or vertically. You can also make this field required.
Text This component allows you to enter information or help content into your form. With rich text editor support, you can add informative messages to your customers about your survey.
Date/Time It provides the date and time input with the title field for your form. You can request your customers to enter the date and time. If you want to use this field as a date range entry, you only need to select the Date Range check box in the component properties. You can also make this field required.
Phone It provides the phone number entry field to your form with a title. The area code and phone number fields set as default. If you want the country code to come in, just mark the relevant option in the component properties.
Email Provides e-mail entry to your form with a title field. You can change the maximum character limit and the required field selection from the component properties.
Address With this component, you can request address information from your customers. In addition to the two-line address information, there are entry fields for city, state / region, zip code and country information.
File Upload It adds file upload option for your form. This component allows your customers to send photos.
Image It allows you to easily add your logo or any image to your form.
Like/Dislike With this component you can ask your customers if they like or dislike your product or service.
Smiley Adds a smiley consisting of 5 options to your form with a title. With this component you can learn the general impressions of your customers.
Lovely Smiley This component offers 4 smiley faces and 1 heart icon.
Capthca It adds a captcha code to your form. If you want to increase the security of your form, this component will help you.
Star Rating Ask your customers to rate you with stars. You can change the number of stars from 3 to 10 from the component properties.
NPS Adds a NPS (Net Promoter Score) score to your form. NPS is a very popular customer loyalty measurement tool. If you add this compound form, your NPS score will be calculated and your reports will be shown separately.
Paging Adds a page break to your form.